
Privacy policy

Last updated: January 7, 2022

This privacy policy explains how Budgetsco collects, uses and transfers your information.

What do we collect?

  • When you visit our website/app, we collect some basic information that most websites collect. This includes the your browser type, language preference and the date and time of each request. We also collect potentially personally-identifying information like Internet Protocol (IP) addresses.
  • When you create an account on Budgetsco, we store your email-id as well. We use this email-id to communicate with you.
  • The transactions your create on Budgetsco are neither verified nor linked to any bank statement. So, it's up to you how much personal data you enter in a transaction, especially in the description section.
    And even though we store the description of the transactions, it is only for your convenience and is not used by us in any way.
  • We do not store any payment details when you pay for subscription. All the payment data is handled by Google Play Store or Stripe (depending on the OS and browser used while paying).

What we do not collect

We do not intentionally collect sensitive personal information, such as social security numbers, genetic data, health information, or religious information. Although Budgetsco does not request or intentionally collect any sensitive personal information, we realize that you might store this kind of information in your account, especially in the description section of transactions you create. If you store any sensitive personal information on our servers, you are consenting to our storage of that information on our servers.

Why do we collect this data?

  • We require creating an account with an email-id to prevent abuse of our system.
  • We use your data only for providing you insights on your expenses and recommendations on improving your budget.
  • We may use aggregated, non-personally identifying information to operate, improve, and optimize our website/app and service.

How we share the data we collect?

  • We do not share, sell, rent, or trade "User Personal Information" (any data about one of our users which could, alone or together with other data, personally identify them) with third parties for their commercial purposes.
  • We do not disclose User Personal Information outside Budgetsco, except in the situations listed in this section or in the section below on Compelled Disclosure.

Cookie policy

Budgetsco uses cookies to make interactions with our service easy and meaningful. We use cookies (and similar technologies, like localStorage, indexedDB) to keep you logged in, remember your preferences, and provide necessary functionalities.

A cookie is a small piece of text that our web server stores on your computer or mobile device, which your browser sends to us when you return to our site. Cookies do not necessarily identify you if you are merely visiting Budgetsco; however, a cookie may store a unique identifier for each logged in user. The cookies we set are essential for the operation of the website/app, or are used for performance or functionality. By using our website/app, you agree that we can place these types of cookies on your computer or device. If you disable or block cookies, you will not be able to log in or use our services.

How we secure your data

We take all measures reasonably necessary to protect your data stored with us from unauthorized access, alteration, or destruction and maintain data accuracy. We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the personal information submitted to us, both during transmission and once we receive it.

No method of transmission, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. Therefore, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

How you can access and control the data we collect

If you're already a Budgetsco user, you may access, update, alter, or delete your data from our website/app or by contacting budgetsco+support@gmail.com

Data retention and deletion

We do not automatically delete inactive user accounts, so unless you choose to delete your account, we will retain your account data indefinitely.

If you would like to cancel your account or delete your data, you may do so by emailing budgetsco+support@gmail.com. We will retain and use your data as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements, but barring legal requirements, we will delete your full profile (within reason) within 30 days.

Changes to our privacy policy

Although most changes are likely to be minor, we may change our Privacy policy from time to time. We will provide notification of material changes to this Privacy policy at least 30 days prior to the change taking effect by posting a notice on our home page or sending email to the email address specified in your Budgetsco account. For changes to this Privacy policy that do not affect your rights, we encourage visitors to check this page frequently.

Contacting Budgetsco

Questions regarding our Privacy policy or information practices should be directed to budgetsco+support@gmail.com.